The beauty of community spirit
Together, they are rowing four times around the planet
When 106 adventurous ocean rowers set up a WhatsApp group called ‘Don’t tell Carsten’ (The CEO of World’s Toughest Row who organises the event) and chat and joke amongst themselves, share kit, sports sessions, ask for help and reach out to help each other, even plan to keep in touch at sea (while they are collectively rowing 105,000 miles), you know there is something special happening.
I say ‘together’, because when the fleet rowing the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge came together for the first time for the race start in the Canaries, the magic began to happen. It seems to me - observing the rowers through my lens - that this year, the 2021/2 crew raised the bar and set new standards in camaraderie, kindness, sharing and friendship.
In addition to the hilarious WhatsApp Group (sorry guys, I think I just told Carsten), there were many beautiful examples of how wonderfully special the human spirit can be, and I wanted to shout them out for all to hear!
Yoga start to the day organised by the rowers on WhatsApp.
Many hands… Teams rallied around to help prepare the boats for launch.
Each hull got a good clean and a bit of anti-fouling before being lowered into the marina.
The soft side of the CEO: Carsten has a tradition to keep his rowers safe and wears a volcanic rock bracelet from race start until the last boat home arrives in English Harbour.
One of the rowers was delayed and received rousing cheers of welcome when she arrived a couple of days before race start.
Personalised ticker tapes…
Postcards wishing everyone good luck!
Individual, hand painted shells as a talisman for spreading the love.
A couple of boats didn’t clear customs immediately, but the whole fleet rallied around to get them ready for launch overnight.
Hugs all around before the crews set off on their epic endurance row.
Event Manager Nikki gets to know every person, team, their families and supporters during the two, sometimes three years it takes to get to the start. She says: ‘Every day is an inspiration day’ and she must feel an incredible sense of pride knowing that everyone is starting their dream journey on this day.
The roar of applause… each boat leaving the marina was given a standing ovation - what a heartwarming and uplifting sound.
Cheers to the 2021/22 fleet who has raised the bar for the rowing community. May the connections and memories you’ve made last a lifetime.
I can’t wait to welcome these wonderful humans safely into the harbour and watch their once-in-a-lifetime euphoria when they achieve their dreams. It is unforgettable, and incredible to witness. (If you want to follow the arrivals, follow the race on Facebook.